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Fig. 3 | Cell Regeneration

Fig. 3

From: Zebrafish ELL-associated factors Eaf1/2 modulate erythropoiesis via regulating gata1a expression and WNT signaling to facilitate hypoxia tolerance

Fig. 3

Effects of eaf1/2 deficiency in erythrocytic-fluorescence transgenic fish. A Gene expressions, eaf1, eaf2, gata1a, hbbe3, olig2 and myod, in drl+ or gata1+ cells collected from Tg (drl: GFP) (A1) and Tg (gata1a: DsRed) (A2) embryos, respectively. B, C Representative images of Tg (drl: GFP) (B1-B3) and Tg (gata1a: DsRed) embryos (C1-C3) injected with eaf1-MO or eaf2-MO at 24 hpf or 48 hpf, respectively, and quantification of the number of drl+ cells (B4) and gata1a+ cells (C4), and the GFP (B5) and DsRed (C5) fluorescence intensity in white box. D Gene expressions, eaf1, eaf2, gata1a, hbbe3, olig2 and myod, in drl+ or gata1a+ cells collected from Tg (drl: GFP) (D1) and Tg (gata1a: DsRed) (D2) embryos injected with eaf1-MO or eaf2-MO, respectively. Each experiment was repeated at least three times with similar results for two or three replicates, and a representative result was shown. B1-B3, C1-C3, lateral view, anterior to the left. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001. NS, not significant. Scale bar = 100 μm (B1-B3, C1-C3)

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