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Call for papers

Cell reprogramming

Leading editors:
Dr. Tao Zhong (East China Normal University, China)
Dr. Li Wang (Wuhan University, China)
Dr. Li Qian (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)

A thematic series in Cell Regeneration.

Cellular reprograming offers an opportunity to convert one somatic cell type into another, providing promising potential for disease modeling and regenerative medicine. This cell fate conversion can be achieved using lineage-specific transcription factors, microRNAs or combinations of small molecules. A better understanding of how cell fate conversion is regulated will provide novel insights for precise manipulation of reprogramming, paving the way for developing novel strategies to regenerate the damaged tissue.

Topics of interest include:

  • Mechanisms governing cell fate reprogramming
  • Environmental niches that affect cell transdifferentiation
  • Development of lineage tracing models in cell fate conversion
  • Disease modeling, drug discovery and biomaterials with cell reprogramming 

The Editor-in-Chief of Cell Regeneration will review all submissions prior to peer review and may reject any of them that do not fit the scope of the journal or do not meet the journal's standards for peer review. All articles of Thematic Series will undergo full, independent peer review, in line with the journal's ethical and editorial policies, outlined in its submission guidelines. There is no guarantee of acceptance, even for commissioned or invited papers. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief has a final authority on editorial content.